Friday, January 14, 2011


Well, here we are. First off, my name is Benjamin Smith. I am an anthropology major, a first year student at Stony Brook, part time cook and an avid explorer. Most importantly though, and more than likely the reason that you have decided to read this now, is that I will be studying abroad in northern Kenya at the Turkana Basin Institute field school. I do consider myself extremely fortunate to be able to take part in this amazing experience, and equally thrilled to be one of the people documenting it.
I came to this program partly through a profound and lifelong interest in Archaeology, but mostly through My ANT 104 class with Prof. John Shea. I was initially skeptical of studying abroad as a freshmen, but realized after a indecisive period of about four seconds, that this, and really any, international study opportunity was going to be something unforgettable and life changing. I have had the good fortune to study abroad before, but never in Africa and never with such an in depth focus of study. I believe letting oneself learn from different peoples, cultures, their present and their past, can be the most rewarding experience in life. I chose Stony Brook for two very important reasons: a wonderful anthropology department and great study abroad programs and in this one, I have found the embodiment of both. It may sound like a sales pitch, but its true.
So there you have it, and here I am, frantically getting together all these last minute tidbits, but ultimately very excited . I will be updating at least once a week so I am looking forward to what this next one will bring. Allons-y!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Ben! This trip sounds really fun. I hope you have lots of fun in Kenya, and get some really good experience with the dig.

    Can't wait to hear what's next!

